Mat Staver, friend of Kim Davis, head honcho at anti-gay litigation group Liberty Counsel, Christmas shopping guru and protector of children from evil queers, just had to have his say on the Orlando massacre.
Displaying the usual Christian right lack of empathy and Christianity, Staver has said that memorial gatherings following Orlando have turned into a “homosexual love fest.”
RELATED: Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver and Matt Barber Are Convinced ‘Satanic' Gay Marriage Will Literally Bring About God's Wrath: AUDIO
Speaking on radio show “Faith and Freedom” about how churches should pass resolutions defending “traditional marriage,” Staver blathered:
“I encourage other denominations and churches to pass resolutions and we're certainly willing and able to draft them…
“I encourage your people in your churches to step on the right side of history and step on the side of marriage and the natural created order of man and woman.
“Even in the situation following what happened in Orlando, churches got involved and they led in some cases and in other cases they followed and they ultimately allowed that situation, instead of an opportunity to pray, some of them allowed it to be a homosexual love fest. That's not something that we need to celebrate, this is a tragedy that is against all Americans.”
Co-host Matt Barber added that LGBT-friendly Christians are “disobeying Christ, are actually running afoul of God and Jesus in the context of the marriage debate and are siding with the Prince of the World who is trying to redefine marriage.”
“Believe me,” added Barber, “this idea of gay marriage didn't come from God, it didn't come from Christ, so who did it come from?”
Satan himself, Matt. It was Satan.
When contacted, neither Barber or Staver could confirm they were not wearing clothes of mixed cloths. We can however confirm that both are in escrow selling their daughters into slavery.
In related news, its believed that up to 47 people turned up on Monday to Brian Brown's “March For Marriage.”
2016 March for Marriage Was Great Success! #tcot #no4m #Marriage
— Brian Brown (@briansbrown) June 28, 2016
Listen to Staver and Barber via Right Wing Watch below.